Minutes of temple meeting date 06.2.2011 Present; Shafia, Eila, Majid, Aliah, Trish, Freya, Rahaman
  1. 1. Minutes of last meeting agreed
  2. 2. Feasibility study

a) It was agreed Majid would meet with the Trustees to complete the original request for feasibility study. Meeting to be next same day as next UW 6th March?

  1. 3. BUILDING
    1. Majid has produced a drawing of a pole house/tent structure.
    2. Generally agreed that a pole structure is more appropriate than the yurt we had been discussing. Advantages; would be cheaper and would be able to build larger, more suitable structure. We will be able to design it on sacred geometry principles, and it won’t look like a yurt trying to be a temple.
    3. Shafia said Vasa Dev ( Russian visitor) had taken the drawing to discuss and get info on correct proportions for the building. It was also suggested Reinhardt could be asked for his input. Majid to send him the drawing.
    4. Valshafia made a request that we build the temporary structure as large as the eventual ‘real’ one as large dance groups would not fit in the 9m dia size. Majid commented that the larger the structure gets the more expensive it will be, also harder to build. The project is intended to be of a scale we can cope with as self builders, However we will see what the limitations are in size and cost and aim to build as large as is feasible. For example we don’t want to have to use cranes to raise the structure, etc.
    5. Discussion about whether this is a temporary/small/cheap solution, or whether we could/should build a permanent floor and foundations and build onto this later when we have the money….
    6. Majid to see Fraser Bruce next week about his possible involvement.
    7. We will need architects drawings for building regs – Majid has asked Phil Toms if he wants to help, will also contact Mustafa, who is an architect as well as town planner.
    8. We will also need a structural engineer – can we contact the one Valshifia knows? We need his name and number.


  1. Eila told us about the generosity of the many visitors over the summer, who had given donations.Over $1000 was raised with the raffle, thank you Trish, also Abraham and Halima, visiting dance tutors, donated $1100, Thank you all !
  2. Prices for printing Halima’s Dream were discussed. Generally agreed that the book can’t be made smaller – the print isn’t large now, and that hidden staples are best. Perfect binding (?). This is the most expensive option, but the best one, we think.
  3. Discussion as to the ethics of using the temple fund to fund the book. Shafia not happy that peoples donations should not go where they expect – general agreement that we should raise this money separately. Trish volunteered to look after this, a separate Halimas Dream account to be set up. We will need about $4000.
  4. People can be asked to pay in advance for their copies, this will also help with funding.
  5. Number to be ordered to be decided on price. 1000 is a lot but cheaper per book. Last meeting it was agreed 500 would be best number. Books to cost $25.


  • New Sharda web site- need to rationalise with old Sharda blog site Shafia to start the process.
  • Majid tabled draft of flyer advertising project and asking for help, funds etc…this to be worked on, Shafia to send out when ready.

 Meeting ended with the Universel

Oh Thou who art the Maker, Moulder and Builder of the Universe,

Build with thine own hands the Universel,

Our Temple for thy Divine Message of Love Harmony and Beauty